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RCF FUN Turbo Crack Beaver EPP Red Kit

RCF FUN Turbo Crack Beaver EPP Red Kit

SKU: sku_5d024dc893653_1560432072
kr 900,00Pris
  • Liker du MPX Fun Cub og vil ha en innendørsutgave eller for hageflyving? Med lett vekt, store vinger og store balanseror er dette en modell som flyr hele 3D-programmet eller lander på verandabordet!

    Modellen kommer som byggsett med all hardware inkludert, men uten elektronikk. Benytter standard indooroppsett eller litt tyngre for utendørsflyving. Husk at denne modellen krever 4 servoer, slik at velger du pakken vår til indoormodeller trenger du å kjøpe en ekstra servo ved siden av. Har du 4ch mottaker, eller 5+ch mottaker og ikke computerradio, trenger du også en y-kabel.

    Introducing the Crack Turbo Beaver!

    The Crack Turbo Beaver represents the ultimate in RC fun! Equally at home in bush style flying and extreme 3D, the Crack Turbo Beaver is also surprisingly precise and offers unparalleled durability. The huge EPP tires easily roll over gravel, dirt, rocks, tall grass, and other airplanes. The unique X-shaped fuselage design adds scale looks in the air as well as high stiffness with no need for additional carbon bracing, while the rolled cowl and canopy add to the scale outline and lend tremendous strength to the front of the aircraft.

    Designed and developed by Twisted Hobbys team members Chris Jewett and Cody Wojcik, the Crack Turbo Beaver takes the extreme design philosophy that produced the renowned Crack Yak, Crack Pitts, and Crack Laser and gives the Crack treatment to the famous DeHavilland Turbo Beaver bush plane. RCFactory adds their world-class manufacturing techniques and the highest quality EPP foam available. The result is just about as much fun as you can have with an RC airplane! Harriers, hovers, precise knife-edge, rolling harriers, flat spins, snap rolls, and other high-performance aerobatics compliment the traditional loops and barrel rolls you would expect from a high-wing plane. The high wing placement means that the Crack Turbo Beaver is also very stable, and makes a great beginners aircraft.

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